FAQs > Food and drink
At breaktime we provide:
A choice of semi-skimmed milk or water to drink
A choice of seasonal fruit and vegetables including apple, banana, cucumber, pear, melon, clementines and carrots - and toast if they are very hungry!
If children haven't eaten a good breakfast before school, we suggest parents/carers bring in some cereal, fruit or other food to eat when they arrive.
Children are welcome to arrive before the morning session starts for breakfast and/or stay for lunch and the afternoon. We do not provide breakfast or lunch, but can offer toast at breakfast time and milk or water to drink. Parents will need to provide a packed breakfast and/or lunch. We are a nut-free school, and we encourage parents to provide healthy savoury foods, with limited sweet options (and no candy or sweeties). Children wash their hands before eating and drinking.
Food and drink at breaktimes
We do cooking with the children once a week. Our recipes are carefully chosen to allow regular access to raw ingredients, to learn about healthy eating, and to have lots of hands-on opportunities to prepare foods following a pictorial recipe - chopping, weighing, grating, rolling, making bread, sieving, mixing. Teachers supervise hand-washing and all practical activities, discuss the process with the children and sit with the children later at break-time to enjoy the finished dishes.
Recipes are also chosen to reflect cultural and seasonal celebrations, including Diwali, Halloween, Poppy Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year and many more. We love introducing the children to new foods, spices and flavours.
We avoid ingredients to which children are allergic or intolerant, never use nuts in any form, nor meat or fish.
Please let us know if you have any specific requests or if your child has allergies. We are happy to work together to accommodate any needs.